VIP Control IP-TV
Hardware less Conditional Access System
for IP-TV
Versatile Works on any media and codec
Irrefutable Mathematically proven security mechanism
Perpetual Highly secured with highly efficient security renewability mechanism
Business Benefits
Easy to use. An unique centralized web GUI gather all information allowing to control subscribers entitlements, consumptions and security rules. All these controls can be safely preformed from a delocalized area.
Easy integration with legacy SI. Public API of VIP-Control Subscriber Management System allows easy and smooth integration using database connectors and XML meta data components for data exchanges.
Cost effectiveness. The VIP-Control™ system is hardware free regarding security; versatile smart card are swapped through DVB signal; hence, expensive post offices usage are no more required.
Retail market control. Our CERTEX certification process allows to fully control set top box retail industry; piracy industry can't use any more retail market to introduce unfair competition.
Versatility. This system allows multiple today's business models to take place: VOD, content distribution through broadcast media, such as cable and satellite, new broadband generation networks allowing triple play offers via DSL IPTV broadcasting using famous players on PC receivers,3G media allowing DVB-H streaming.
DVB Compliancy. Our VIP-Control™ access system is fully DVB compliant; the VIP-Smartcard™ is Eurocrypt compliant.
Security Renewability. The security policy can be configured regarding security needs; security functions renewability frequencies range from one CERTEX per month until one CERTEX per week; Security processes can be activated or
No return path required. This unique system does not need either heavy keys infrastructures required when using return path for reasons of safety nor dedicated secured hardware embedded on receiver mainboard in order to safely transfer critical data such as keys or entitlements.
Security costs visibility. The Enigma Systems unique approach guarantees a complete visibility on costs dedicated to security issues

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